Writing a Job application

How to write a job application | Cover Letter

Writing a Job application is mandatory if you want to get a job. A well-written application significantly increases your chances of having an invitation for an interview. By attaching a cover letter to your resume, you also increase your chances of getting hired. There are many aspects you have to look into when you sit for writing a job application.

Why a well-written job application matters:

For many vacancies, you have to send an application letter or cover letter along with your detailed resume. Your resume tells your employer details about your personal information, education, work history, and special training you have taken. And your cover letter shows an employer why you are the right match for the post and how you will add value to the organization. You also seek an interview from the employer. So, a good cover letter is your first chance to impress your prospective employer.

The first thing to do: Analyze the Job Post:

Before putting your finger on the keyboard to write a cover letter, you need to do some initial analysis. You have to go through the job post to look for what qualification, skills, and expertise your employer is seeking. You also look into the position of the company and performance in the market. If you are applying for a non-profit organization, you should look into its purposes and goals.

Draft down your qualifications, skills, and experiences:

Your qualifications, skills, and experiences must match the requirements of the post. So you may write down all your educational qualifications on a draft paper to choose which of them you can include in your application. It will help you flawlessly select relevant experience for the vacancy.

Writing the job application:

When you write an email to your friend thanking him or to one of your family members telling them about something, you do not need to look at the format and structure of the letter carefully. Writing job application is quite different them. Job interviewers have relevant experience with a cover letter and the writing style of the resume. Job applicants should look into the following things carefully:

  1. The length of the cover letter should not exceed more than one page. Single-spaced job application letter with space after each paragraph is preferable. Align your letter to the left and use a one-inch margin.
  2. Times new roman, Calibri, or Arial font is more traditional and can be selected. The standard font size is between 10 and 12.

Main Parts of the job application letter:

You should follow a widely accepted set of rules from salutations to sign-off. Here a quick look:

Heading: The beginning of a cover letter has both you and the contact information of the employer (name, address, Phone number, etc.) In case of an email, you should include your information at the end of the letter.
Salutation: Salutation is a polite greeting. Dear Mr. /Mrs. should be followed by the person’s last name is the most common salutation form. If you do not know the name of the person you are writing to, you can write Dear Sir /Madam or Dear Hiring Manager.

Main Body of the Job Application: There are generally three sections in the main body. You will write about the post you are applying for and how you have known about the vacancy. The second section may have one or more paragraphs. You will write about how the post’s requirements and your skills and experience are the perfect matches and how you could meet the employer’s need. In the third part, you may write a thank you to the employer and ask for an interview to talk in detail.

Complimentary Close: You should sign off your cover letter with a polite close, for example, “Best regards” or “Sincerely” followed by your name.

Signature: In a printed cover letter, you should include your hand-written signature followed by your printed name. In an email, include your typed name and contact information.

Use a template: To make your job application process easier, use a template and personalize it with your information and employer’s need. Make sure you send a personalized letter to each company and each position you are applying for.Download one in PDF and Word File:

  1. Download PDF File 
  2. Download Word File

Tips for writing a cover letter:

Write one: Whether your employer asks or not, you had better write a job application letter with each job you apply for. Writing a cover letter will not hurt you; rather it will increase your chances of having a job.

Use Formal letter Format: For each cover letter, using a business format letter is mandatory. Write your and your employer’s contact information and date at the beginning of the letter. Use salutation in the starting and signature in the end.

Mention how you add value: You have to sell yourself to the employer from the beginning to the end of your cover letter. You must write clearly and succinctly how you will solve their problem and add value to their company. Mention specific skills or experience that will help you to perform the responsibilities of your applied post’s requirements.

Keep your job application letter brief: Your letter should not exceed more than a page. You should not use more than four paragraphs. Keeping your job application letter as short as possible while writing all the necessary information will make your employer read your cover letter.

Proofread and edit: Read your job application letter thoroughly before you send it to the employer. Employers will surely overlook a cover letter with any mistakes. Eliminate all mistakes. Better if you can show it to a friend or a career consultant.

Writing a standard letter is not a difficult task if you follow all these steps and tips. Our advice here is to collect a template and then rewrite it for you each time you apply for a new post until you become familiar with the job application writing process and possess skills and techniques for writing a standard one.

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