The online application process for XI Class admission will start on 10th August. Here we will discuss all the information related to admission to class XI.
Students who fulfil the requirements can apply for HSC admission in 2023. Students can apply through the website. Before submitting their applications, candidates should ensure they have sufficient knowledge about the XI class admission notice.
XI Class Admission
The SSC Result for 2023 was announced on July 28, 2023. Students who passed the SSC exam are now actively searching for the best colleges to get admitted to the XI class for the academic session 2023-2024.
The ‘Ministry of Education’ declared- the online application process for HSC admission will commence on August 10, 2023. Eligibility for 11th Class Admission 2023 includes students who passed SSC from any education board in 2021, 2022, and 2023. As well as those who passed from Bangladesh Open University in the same years. Students can apply to recognized government and non-government colleges through the website
XI Class Admission 2023
The College Admission process for the academic year 2023-2024 in all government and private colleges, will include multiple phases.
Firstly, admission applications will be accepted in three phases. The 1st phase application process will be held from 10 August to 20 August 2023. 1st phase result will be published on 5 September 2023.1st phase Selection confirmation date is 7 to 10 September 2023. 1st Migration Result will be published on September 2023
The 2nd phase and 3rd Phase Online Application, result publishing and selection confirmation will end in September 2023.
Students who make it to the merit list will need to confirm their admission within the given timeframe. The process will include the publication of three merit lists related to the three-step application process, as well as two migration results. Later, a final merit list will be published.
Once all the steps are completed, the college admission activities will start. Students must complete their admission to the nominated college within the stipulated time.
XI Class Admission Online Application
Most students approach various IT service providers to apply online for college admissions. But he can apply himself by following the online process.
First of all, you have to pay the HSC admission application fee by providing your SSC roll, registration no, passing year and education board.
You can pay the fee through online banking, mobile banking or manual payment by using Teletalk mobile number. Pay at your convenience or through whichever medium you have sufficient balance. After proceeding with payment, you have to confirm it.
Here are the steps to apply online for XI class admission:
Step 1: Visit the ‘Ministry of Education’ Website
To apply for college admission visit After that, you will enter the official website of college admission 2023. You will find different options related to college admission. Find and click on the ‘Apply Now’ button. Now you will be redirected to a new webpage.
Step 2: Fill in SSC Exam Information
In this step, you have to fill in the necessary information about the SSC examination to find your data. Here fill consistently-
- Your SSC Roll no.
- Your educational board.
- SSC examination passing year.
- Registration no.
After providing all the information, click on the ‘Next’ button from the lower left corner.

Step 3: Fill in Personal Information
You can see here your SSC examination roll, board, passing year, applicant name, father’s name, mother’s name, gender and GPA.
Scroll down the XI Class Admission Application page and provide your-
- Mobile number.
- NID no. of your Guardian (optional).
- Select a relationship with your Guardian.
At last, if you are applicable for any quota then click on the check box. If not, Click on the next button.

Step 4: Choose Colleges
On this page, you have to Select your desired college. You can select 5 to 10 colleges. To choose a college fill consistently-
- The board in which the desired college is located.Select District.
- Select Thana/ Upazilla.
- Select the College name.
- You can know the seat number of the chosen college by clicking- খালি আসন।
Fill in below, the college class shift, version (Bangla or English), Group and Special Quota (If any). After filling in all these requirements click on ‘Add This College’. It will be added to your chosen college list. As it is, you have to add at least 5 colleges.
At last, click on ‘Preview Application’.

Step 5: Preview and Submit Application
Here you can see your selected college list on the XI class admission application. Including College name, Shift, Version, Group, SQ and selected Priority. If you want to change or edit anything here, click on ‘Continue Editing’.
If you think everything is correct, click on ‘Submit Application’.

Step 6: Print the Application
Finally, your HSC admission online application was submitted successfully. Now you can print the list of colleges you’ve chosen. Download it as a PDF file.

Once the admission process is complete, candidates will eagerly await the college admission Result.
XI Class Admission Result
The 1st phase result will be published on 5 September 2023. After the publication of admission results, you can know the result online or through mobile SMS. Most of the students use smartphones. So, you can easily know the results online. To check, follow the below process:
- visit –
- Click on”আবেদনকারীর ফলাফল” option
- Type your SSC ‘Roll number’
- Select ‘Board’
- Select ‘Passing Year’
- Type your SSC ‘Registration Number’
- Fill in the captcha code.
- At last, Click on the ‘Next’ button.
Thus you can check out your college admission result online.
XI Class Admission Payment
In 2023, the acceptable application fee payment gateways are:
- Sonali Web
- Sonali eSheba
- Bkash
- Nagad
- Rocket (DBBL Mobile Banking)
- Teletalk Bangladesh Ltd
- Sure Cash
Here we will discuss the process of admission application fees through Bkash. To pay the registration fee from the Bkash app, follow the below process:
- Login to your Bkash account.
- From the application dashboard, you need to tap on the “Education Fee” icon.
- Then tap on ‘XI Class Admission’.
- Put the name of your education board, SSC Roll No, Passing year and Mobile Number.
- Check the fee amount and go to the next page.
- Provide your Bkash PIN.
- Tap for completing the transaction.
The transaction will be successful. After a successful transaction, the applicant will get an automatic message and a digital receipt. You should save the SMS and digital receipt for future reference.
XI Class Admission System
The admission process for all government and private colleges in Bangladesh will be performed using the above college admission system. Besides, Alim Admission activities in madrasas under Bangladesh Madrasa Education Board will also be completed centrally through this process.
College Admission 2023 Notice
How many colleges can I apply for HSC admission?
Students can choose up to 10 colleges online. But they must provide a minimum of five college choices to apply.
How many seats are available for college admission in 2023?
The total number of seats for the session 2023-2024 in all the colleges of Bangladesh is around 30 lakhs.
In 2023, you can easily apply online for XI class admission by yourself. If the application is not properly submitted and the college is not confirmed within the specified time, the application may be rejected. For that, know the detailed application process from the above content in advance here.