Profile Picture

All social media profile picture size guide (update 2023)

Profile Picture: Thanks to the Internet, the world has become a village. The biggest contributor behind this is social media. We are engaging with different types of social media over time. I’m a bit ambivalent about what profile pictures should look like on social media. This article is meant to clear the confusion.

Facebook profile picture size

There are very few people in this world who do not use Facebook. Using Facebook has become essential for us. It is the best way to keep in touch with friends, relatives, colleagues. Apart from this, national and international news spread very quickly. News of social injustice quickly spread to people.
But many of us do not know how to give profile picture on Facebook. I don’t know how my personality will come across on Facebook. A person’s personality depends on their profile picture. So we will give some tips here.

Facebook profile picture size guide and tips:

  • Personal Facebook profile picture you can give as you wish. But if you want to show your identity and personality, it is better to give a picture of your full face.
  • Image should be 128×128 pixels.
  • Remember, earlier Facebook profile pictures were displayed squarely. But now it appears round. So make sure that your face is in the center of the picture.
  • You can choose blue color as background. It can be a wall or the sea.

Facebook page picture size

People use Facebook pages usually for business purposes. If you are using a commercial Facebook page then its profile picture should be your company logo. Because this page will represent your company.

Facebook page picture size guide and tips:

  • I told you before, earlier Facebook profile pictures were displayed squarely. But now it appears round. So make sure that your face is in the center of the picture.
  • Logo resolution should be better. Since Facebook is used by most people on mobile, care should be taken that the logo is small but everyone can understand the logo of the company.

Facebook group picture size

Use images related to the topic on which the group is built. In many cases you can use the logo. Animation images are usually better for groups.

Instagram profile picture size

Like Facebook, Instagram is also a popular social media platform. The number of Instagram users is increasing day by day. Maybe you have an Instagram account. You might be wondering what kind of profile picture to post on Instagram? A few tips for you.

Instagram profile picture size guide and tips:

  • People generally use Instagram to share photos. So here your profile picture should be very beautiful.
  • Profile picture background should be more beautiful. Don’t have a background that doesn’t accentuate your look.
  • Image should be 320×320 pixels.
  • Image resolution must be good.

WhatsApp profile picture size

WhatsApp is one of the means of communication. It can make both voice calls and video calls. You can easily contact people whose numbers you have saved and whose numbers you have saved. The people you interact with will get to know you very well through your profile picture. So the profile picture should be clear and beautiful.

WhatsApp profile picture size guide and tips:

  • Since your friends will identify you by its profile picture, its profile picture should be clear.
  • Give good resolution picture.
  • Its picture will also appear round.
  • Its background can be white or blue. But never give green. Because this will match the color of WhatsApp.

Imo profile picture size

It is also a communication medium like WhatsApp. It can make both voice calls and video calls. You can easily contact people whose numbers you have saved and whose numbers you have saved. The people you interact with will get to know you very well through your profile picture. So the profile picture should be clear and beautiful.

Imo profile picture size guide and tips:

  • Since your friends will identify you by its profile picture, its profile picture should be clear.
  • Give good resolution picture.
  • Its picture will also appear round.
  • Its background can be white or blue. But never give white. Because this will match the color of Imo.

LinkedIn profile picture size

LinkedIn is a profile where your skills are displayed. It is very necessary for job field or outsourcing. Many people judge their personality by looking at their profile pictures. So its profile picture should be very elegant.

LinkedIn profile picture size guide and tips:

  • Since this is an official profile, here you have to take pictures in official clothes.
  • A white shirt or black coat is best.
  • Background should be blue or white. But never match the background with the clothes.
  • A standard passport size photograph should be. 400×400 pixels is fine.
  • Good resolution is essential.

Pinterest profile picture size

Printerest is a photo sharing website. Here people upload different types of images on different topics. So here your profile picture should match your uploaded picture. If you have uploaded food pictures then your profile picture should have a picture of a spacial food.
Resolution is a big deal here. Because without a good resolution image it is not acceptable.

Twitter picture size

There are very few people in this world who do not use Twitter. Using Twitter has become essential for us. It is the best way to keep in touch with friends, relatives, colleagues. Apart from this, national and international news spread very quickly. News of social injustice quickly spread to people.
But many of us do not know how to give profile picture on Twitter. I don’t know how my personality will come across on Twitter. A person’s personality depends on their profile picture. So we will give some tips here.

Twitter profile picture size guide and tips:

  • Twitter profile picture you can give as you wish. But if you want to show your identity and personality, it is better to give a picture of your full face.
  • Image should be 400×400 pixels.
  • Remember, earlier Twitter profile pictures were displayed squarely. But now it appears round. So make sure that your face is in the center of the picture.
  • You can choose blue or green color as background. It can be a wall or the sea.

Qoura profile picture size

qoura is a question answer and research website. Many people ask different questions here. Researchers answer this. If you are the questioner, you can use any image you want. But if you are an answerer, you need to use elegant images

Also More Read: English Blog

last word

We know how to upload profile picture. Now follow the advice. Thanks for reading the entire article.

About Juyel Ahmed Liton

সুপ্রিয় “প্রোবাংলা” কমিউনিটি, ছোটবেলা থেকেই প্রযুক্তির প্রতি আকর্ষণ ছিলো এবং হয়তো সেই আকর্ষণটা অন্য দশ জনের থেকে একটু বেশি। ওয়েবসাইট, টাইপিং, আর্টিকেল লেখাসহ টেকনোলজি সবই আমার প্রিয়। জীবনে টেকনোলজি আমাকে যতটা ইম্প্রেস করেছে ততোটা অন্যকিছু কখনো করতে পারেনি। আর এই প্রযুক্তির প্রতি আগ্রহ থেকেই লেখালেখির শুরু.....

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